Counter Strike Source (v1.0.0.70 + AutoUpdate) (2012/MULTI)

Counter Strike Source (v1.0.0.70 + AutoUpdate) (2012/MULTI)
2012 | PC | Multilanguage | Developer : Valve | Publisher : Valve | 2.21GB
Genre : Action
2012 | PC | Multilanguage | Developer : Valve | Publisher : Valve | 2.21GB
Genre : Action
Like the original version of the game, Counter Strike: Source team is opposed to each other counter terrorism (CT, SWAT) and a team of terrorists (T) in a series of rounds. Each round is won by performing a specific mission (such as the undermining of a bomb or rescuing hostages) or after the destruction of all members of the opposing team. Gameplay is similar to that in Counter Strike. Most weapons are also identical to the weapons in Counter Strike 1.6, except for the shield, which was available to counter terrorists. In later rounds the purchase was done automatically in the early rounds, and the purchase of new weapons. The cartridges are now free, once given a full ammo when buying weapons, they also can be replenished back to the place of purchase.
Extras. Info : Building is recorded in DVD 5 (the auto installer), so you can record on DVD ROM, run and automatically prompted to install the game. traditional setting is also stored (Setup.exe). After installation is recommended to run the updater!
Q: How come the other server?
A: In the game choose to start the game >> Internet >> update all . Then select the server you like. Also, it is recommended to remove the check mark from simplified. list . Enjoy the game. In: Change name? A: There are two options: a) Do you have a desktop shortcut should be Nick Name Change run it. If in some reason the desktop you do not have this shortcut, go to the game installation folder which contains the file UltimateNameChanger.exe run it. b) In a game in the console (press tilde ~) to enter setname your nick; Q: Why does the updater updated for so long? A: The refresh rate depends on several parameters: a) the size of the update (some updates can take up hundreds of megabytes ) and b) Quantities of both renewable players (speed host updates 512 kB / sec, which means that if you are upgrading five players, then everyone will have the speed of ~ 100 kB / sec, and so on ...) c) Other issues with the network / internet like you and a host of updates. Q: How do I update the game? A: You have a desktop shortcut should be Counter Strike Update Source run it ... after a few seconds / minutes you will have the latest version of the game. If in some reason the desktop you do not have this shortcut, then go to the folder to install the game. This folder contains a folder Tools, which contains the file Update.exe run it. Q: How do I enable the console? A: Settings > Keyboard > Advanced > tick Enable console development. The console game is called in the key tilde (~, E). Q: When connecting to a server, it says steam validation rejected and I will not let me, what is it? A: You are trying to connect to the license server, this is impossible. Q: When you start provides no permissions to run cstrike, that the mistake? A: You need to disable Steam before running pirated games Valve. Q: When I try to connect to the server writes to me you are working in unsafe mode and do not let that be done? A: You need to disable Steam before running pirated games Valve.
System requirements :
OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Processor: Pentium 1.7 GHz or equivalent Athlon
RAM: 512 MB ??RAM
Hard disk: at least 5 GB of free hard disk space
Video: DirectX 8 compatible
Sound: DirectX compatible sound card

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